I really was feeling frustrated that week and couldn't wait to start fresh on Monday. Monday came, and nothing really terribly bad had happened. Tuesday was fine, I guess, because I can't remember it(imagine that) Wednesday, was a whole new story. It has taken me this long to write about it, because I am self diagnosing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder over it. Its been rough!
The rainy weather had finally stopped. It was a beautiful Wednesday. I had picked Leah and her friend up from Kindergarten at 11:15. Her dentist appointment was at 12:15. So, being the good mother that I am, I decided to take them to McDonald's Outdoor Play land to kill the hour of time before her appointment. My aunt and a few of my cousins met us there. The play land has a 10 foot rod ironed fence all around it. Kids can't escape,usually. Unless, you are my 2 year old baby boy.
This McDonald's sits on a very busy Pike. The speed limit is 35 MPH. Nobody ever goes the speed limit they are always going way too fast. We were getting ready to leave. I sat Jonathan down on a little stoop completely opposite from the exit door. He was sitting there playing with his shoes I had put on him, while I was throwing the garbage away. My back was turned for maybe 25 seconds. The next thing I hear is screaming from my aunt "Bridget! Bridget! Jonathan! Oh no!Get him!" I drop everything and see my child standing on the corner of US 27 and the drive thru of McDonald's. Another pinky toe out and my child would have been hit by a car. I start sprinting through McDonald's pushing people out of my way to get to my baby. I had to go through 3 doors that you have to pull open to get to him. For a 2 year old, that is a pretty tough task to get those doors open. I finally get to him, scoop him in my arms and hold on to him as tight as I can. My heart racing, my hand, knees, and I am pretty sure toes were shaking I am completely frantic at this point. I could hardly breathe. My little buddy's life,my life, and my family's lives could have been completely devastated in less than a second. When I was carrying Jonathan back in the restaurant I asked him"Buddy, what were you doing? You can't be by a busy street." He replied "I was looking for my car seat,Mom." "Oh that's all? I thought you were trying to give me a heart attack." I said huffing and puffing with tears in my eyes.
I could hardly get the words out when I called my husband to tell him what had happened. He told me to calm down and start over. I guess I didn't get out the first time that Jonathan was perfectly fine. I was a little hesitant to call to tell Ralph what exactly happened. One of those things where it kinda happened on my watch type thing. He took it way better than I thought. "He is fine, Bridget. That is all that matters."
The next phone call I made to calm myself down was to my Mom. Of course by this point its all sinking in what could have happened and I am crying hysterically. In the midst of my sobbing I say "What kind of dumb ass adults were watching my baby try and get out the door of a McDonald's? Why wouldn't they have stopped him?" My Mom said " They were probably thinking what kind of dumb ass parent is letting their child run loose in McDonald's?It can happen to anyone , Bridget. You turn your head for a second and they are off and running" "True." was my reply. After my therapy session between my Mommy and Ralph I was able to drive Leah to her dentist appointment. I am so glad she proudly proclaimed that I saved her little brother's life to the whole staff. So, when they told me that she had 5 cavities, I didn't flip a lid. In fact, it didn't even phase me. Teeth are fixable and replaceable. Just like my car(s) ,air conditioner , washer and dryer and anything else that was broken or hit the week before. I don't care who has what, or who is going on vacation where or what nice car everyone else is driving, but me. The pity party from last week was over. All I care about is that my little family is happy,healthy,safe and sound. That is all that matters to me.
Jonathan's name means Gift from God. All of my children are my best gifts. But, he took a few years and lots of prayers to get on earth. I thought I may never have another baby. I remember the day I had him, not wanting to put him in his bassinet. I wanted to hold him forever. I had him snuggled on my chest whispering to him" You were worth the wait, Jonathan." He is my definite gift from God. I wouldn't know what I would do without him!
P.S. I will never judge anyone who has their child on a leash. I think I might need to buy one!
This picture of Jonathan is beautiful!