Leah came into this world screaming on a chilly April day, and hasn't backed down since! This little girl has the strongest personality. She might be the funniest kid I have ever met. I mean, I did give birth to her, and Ralph is her father so I guess there really isn't much of an option but, to be hysterical in many ways.
Lee Lee is about to turn 6. I can't believe it! She and I go head to head A LOT!Probably because we are way too much alike. But, she is also the first of my 3 kids to run to me and hug me or sit on my lap and tell me how much she loves me or missed me while I was at work! She has this extreme talent of crossing her eyes while squirting tears from them. Its pretty gross,actually. The reaction she gets from people makes her do it all the more!
The picture above, is the first time Leah had her bangs cut off.She has sported this do,not once but twice. First, Ella cut her bangs off. I will never forget it, because I thought I was going to have a flippin heart attack. I was on the phone with the doctor's office because Ella needed to be seen for strep throat, again!Ella was 3 and Leah was 2 at the time. They were in my living room and I was in the kitchen. Ella comes in the kitchen and tells me she needs a pen to write her name on a paper. My back was turned away from her so I didn't actually see her grab"the pen."I didn't know that I had sewing scissors in the pen can. Guess what happens next? You guessed it! Ella grabbed the scissors and quietly went into the living room. I got off the phone with the doctor's office and went into the other room to get the girls ready to see Dr. Joan.They were both so good while I was on the phone. They were side by side on the couch when I walked in. And there it was...beautiful blond hair all over Leah's lap. I looked at Ella with the scissors in her hand and my bald daughter sitting next to her and thought I was going to scream. "You have got to be kidding me! " I yelled. Ella's reply" I think Leah looks beautiful,Mom!" Leah had the biggest smile across her face and Ella was proud of her chop job. It felt like a buzz when I ran my hand over the front of her head. The worst part of it all was I had to take them to the doctor's office . I brought them in and Dr. Joan just started laughing and asking"Leah, who took the hedge trimmers to you?" Ella of course, proud of her work said"I did!!" Dr. Joan just told me to go buy a bunch of huge bows and stick them in front to hide the buzz. We did, for a good year and a half!
So, I lectured them over the years about why you don't cut other people's hair and you have to have a license, like me, to be able to do it. I never said they were good listeners. Let's fast forward 3 years. It's the week before Leah is about to start Kindergarten. A new school, new friends and a new teacher was very intimidating for her. She keeps telling me that she's not going to Kindergarten and she would much rather go back to preschool. I thought it would maybe get her in the mood for school if we went and got school supplies . We came home from shopping and she wanted to go play barbies upstairs in her room. Fine with me! I was sick of her whining about not wanting to go to school anyway. While it was quiet,I decide to rock Jonathan to sleep. About 15 minutes later Leah comes downstairs , smiling. I look up at her and the entire right side of her bangs is cut off. She only has a straggly strand of blond hair left on her forehead. Perfect for a comb over. I flipped out! " Who cut your hair?" She totally played dumb."What are you talking about?" Leah said with that little grin on her face. "Umm ...all of your hair is gone in the front. And I know, it didn't just disappear." I reply. "Ella did it!" She cries. "Again?!! " My voice a little outraged. I am pissed at this point. I yell up the stairs to Ella (who is supposed to be watching a movie in my bed) to get her butt down the stairs very quickly. Oh, and did I mention my baby isn't sleeping baby anymore? Ella comes running down the steps and takes one look at Leah's hair and says"Nice hair, weirdo! Why did you cut your hair off?" Leah's reply" If you think my hair looks bad, you should see my Barbie's hair!" Yep, bald barbies, and barbie hair everywhere all over the floor of their room. I still from time to time find barbie hair hidden while I am vacuuming. And I finally found the big chunk of Leah's hair under the rug in her room.
The first day of Kindergarten, we walk in and see another little girl with the same hair do. Her teacher just laughs and says she sees this hair style quite often with her students. Leah was also the flower girl in my brother 's wedding 9 days later and my sister in law's wedding 4 weeks later.Thank goodness I am a hairdresser!
Leah is my best helper, but cutest(most of the time) challenge. When I think she can't top the last stunt she pulled, she tops it! Just the other day, my cousin Beth called me. Leah answers the phone. Beth asks to speak to me. Leah says"Hold on just minute." A few seconds later Leah gets back on the phone and says"Hi! This is Bridget." Beth starts cracking up laughing. She's already trying to impersonate me on the phone.I wonder what she is going to forge with my signature on it later in life?
As, I type she is serving me lunch ,left over manicotti at Leah's Chinese restaurant. My meal is complete with toilet paper napkins and a plastic fork,but I wouldn't have it any other way from my April baby!
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