It has been way too long since I have blogged last. Please forgive me, but our house was getting renovated. I have been without Internet for a while. I don't know how the Amish do it!! God bless them!
As I was putting my table back in my dining room last night, I was thinking about all of the purposes a kitchen or a dining room table serves. I have missed my table and home cooked meals for a good 6 weeks now. I am actually excited about making my family dinner and serving it at my table. Did I really just type that? Remind me in two weeks when I am whining about what to thaw out for dinner. But, I do have the most fond memories of my childhood sitting at the dinner table with my parents and brothers. It's a great way to connect with your family at the end of the day over a great meal(hopefully)!
My dining room table also has served as the place my Jonathan flipped off and got 6 stitches in his head. Along with an ambulance ride to Children's Hospital. When we have a doosey in the Meyer household, we like to do it up big with all the bells and whistles. The first problem was, that I was cleaning. And if you know me well, you will know that I am not a great housekeeper.( I just don't have the time with 3 little kids. Someday, I will have a clean house, but then my life will be boring.) I was vacuuming the carpet, Jonathan was playing right behind me while I was trying to vacuum and I guess he spotted his sister's 8x10 school pictures on the dining room table that I had dusted and climbed up there to look at them. The vacuum cleaner got clogged,(another reason I hate vacuuming) I turned it off and looked around to see him standing on the table, looking at Ella's picture. I literally scared the daylights out him. I must have raised my voice a little panicked "Get down from there. You are going to get hurt." And with that he slipped and flipped off the dining room table, head cracked through the glass of the picture frame, and then landed on top of the picture frame on the floor, knocking himself out. His head had a nice gash in it. My buddy was bleeding like crazy, as all heads do. My girls ran in the room and immediately, thought he was dead. They freaked out! Poor Leah was hyperventilating and thinking she was going to barf. Ella ran and got me a towel and was searching for my cell phone. My phone was nowhere to be found. Baby in arms, I ran next door to both of my neighbors houses and nobody was home. At this point, I looked like I was involved in the St.Valentine's Day Massacre. Jonathan is bleeding and screaming and I am starting to panic,( just a little bit )running up and down my street looking for a neighbor to use their phone. Thank goodness for this lady driving down my street. She pulled over, called 911, and I used her phone to call Ralph. Of course he didn't answer because he didn't recognize the number. He later met us with us after one of the EMT 's left a message on his cell phone. It is always good to start the cell phone message" No need to be panicked Mr. Meyer but....."
The life squad arrives at my house, and my girls are still sobbing because Jonathan is crazy bleeding and the EMT's are wrapping Jonathan's head is gauze. The EMT decides he for sure he needs to go by ambulance to Children's because there is no way to make sure he stays awake in his car seat and someone needed to keep is head stable with pressure on the gauze to try and subside the bleeding. We were about to get into the ambulance but,there was one slight girls are not supposed to ride in the ambulance with us. The nice lady who called 911(was a little rough looking) said "I can keep your girls." Well nice lady, I appreciate all you have done for me in the short 5 minutes I have known you,but there is no way in hell I am going to leave my kids with you. I politely decline. There was no option, all three of my darlings were going in the ambulance. What a sight, I am sure we were, bloody baby,bloody Mama, and two sobbing little blonde's with barf bags because they were nervous wrecks.
We arrive at Children's Hospital and after the ER nurses examined my little buddy and gave him some Lidocaine and Epinephrine to numb his head,wrapped his head again and then they sent us to the waiting area. Jonathan had to get a CAT scan and an X-ray before they stitched him up. That was the longest wait ever. We waited 7 long hours before we were seen. Apparently we came in on the night when the flu outbreak took affect in every local school. Oh, and the nurse that gave Jon Boy the two medicines, told us that most likely he would doze off and on from such a hard fall and because of the traumatic day. Ummm yeah right! My child was wound for sound! He literally was bouncing off the walls. It was kind of comical just to see him literally bopping around like nothing happened.
Finally, we were called back to see the doctor. He had to get a few slivers of glass pulled out of his head, but other than that and 6 stitches on the outside and 3 on the inside, he was good to go. There my boy was right before Halloween looking like Harry Potter with his little blue stitches.
One of these days I am hopefully going to be "in stitches" laughing at what a crazy ride that day was! I would laugh now, but I don't want to curse myself for more blue stitches to come!