My kids absolutely love our dentist. He is awesome. Shout out to Dr. Rider and his staff! Leah was completely pumped when not only did she get to go somewhere alone with me, but she was going to the dentist. They always give the best goody bags. A far cry from when I was little. No wonder I would rather give birth in a cornfield than go to the dentist.
Of course with getting cavities filled comes the laughing gas. None of my kids have had laughing gas before. I haven't either, so I had no clue what to expect. Leah was having her teeth done on two different occasions, because it would be too much on her all at once. They call her name back to start working on her pearly whites, and she is one excited girl. Coming out is a complete different story.
Leah was back getting worked on for a while. When she came out, she was really numb on the one side. She definitely looked like she wasn't feeling too hot. The hygienist told me Leah was the best patient she has had in 11 years and that she would probably go home and take a long nap for me. If the hygienist would have gone home with us, she would have a completely different opinion of the patient of the career award.
I had to work the day she had all this dental work done, but not until later. My cousin was going to come over and sit for 2 hours until Ralph got home from work. We get home, and holy hell breaks lose. I guess the Novocaine was starting to wear off. I asked Leah if I could get her a drink and I think a bit of the chick from the exorcist came out in her. She went absolutely crazy. She's screaming about drinking a frosty and how it taste "like bad." "Mom, why did you ruin my frosty?" Leah screeched. "Um, Leah what are you talking about?" I asked " You put the dentist in my frosty." She accused. Then she starts going completely nutty,crying and carrying on about the dentist smell ruining her frosty and then how I gave Ella a towel out of the tub first last night. At this point, I had to call Big Daddy. " I have no clue what the hell is wrong with her. She is so irritated with me. It had to be the laughing gas that isn't making her so funny,but coo coo." I told him. I think Big Daddy thought he was going to be able to put his daddy cape on and come to the rescue. He stops by to check the scene out. We decide to call my cousin ,Joey and say don't even bother coming over to babysit. My cousin, Joey is a Seminarian and he is great with my kids. We didn't want him to have to perform a laughing gas exorcism before he was trained to do so:). Of course, when I go to work Leah decides to take a 2 hour nap then. All of her screaming on my watch must have worn her out for Big Daddy's time frame. And yeah, Big Daddy thinks that he has the magic touch that got her to sleep. I will just let him think that. After her nap, she was perfectly fine.
Yesterday, I had to take Leah in to get the rest of the sugar bugs tackled. I told the hygienist that she had the weirdest reaction to the laughing gas. Obviously, she wasn't all giggly. She told me that sometimes it has the gas has the reverse affect just like benedryl does. ONLY IN MY HOUSE IT WOULD!
This time Leah comes out and she is very smiley. Well, if she could have smiled, she would have. She was a laughing fool and I couldn't stop laughing either! The picture, should say it all. Leah even managed to freak my Mom out with all the laughing so hard she was crying. Leah Ryan, what would I do without you?